

The most common question when it comes to "mrrow" is what it actually means. Today we shall answer this question once and for all!

-and, just for fun, let's list all the cat sounds too!


 Meow is  the most common sound a cat makes. Meows can be quite variable and mean different things depending on your cat's mood and the duration of the meow.


 Purr is a low rumbling sound made by a flap in the back of a cat's throat. It usually means your cat is happy, but cat's also do purr to soothe themselves when they are sick or feeling unwell.


Hiss is the sound a cat makes when they feel threatened, scared, or are angry with you. It is unwise to approach a hissing cat.


Growl is a low-pitched sound a cat makes as a warning. Hissing often accompanies growling and vice versa.


Spitting is an explosive hissing noise a cat makes when feeling threatened or nervous.


Trill is a sound a cat makes without opening its mouth. Sounds like high-pitched purr. Usually a friendly greeting.


Moaning is a long, intense sound an unsterilized cat will make to attract a mate.


A Caterwaul is a female cat's mating call.


Yowling is a long, loud  meow that a cat makes to ward off a threat or when it is in pain.


Roar is a loud, intense noise a large cat makes when showing dominance or warding off potential rivals or threats. Ocelots are the only wild cats that can not roar.


Screeching usually ocurrs when a cat is either extremely surprised or in pain. It is also heard at the end of courtship.


Chattering or Twittering is a rarely heard noise that often perplexes humans. It usually indicates intense concentration or excitement. In the wild, cats make this sound when something is preventing them from reaching their prey, as if they do not know what else to say!


Chirp sounds similar to a bird and is often how a mother cat will call her kittens. Cats rarely chirp in adulthood.


Mew is the sound a kitten makes, usually when calling its mother.


Mrrow is a sound that a cat makes between a purr and meow.


Mrrp is a sound a cat makes between a purr and meow.


Mrr or Murr is a sound a cat makes between a mrrow and mrrp.




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